
No New Posts Oughel Meadow

This meadow consists mostly of grasses, a healthy variety, but also has some beautifully coloured flowers interspersed among it, lending it a hint of colour when they are in bloom. The grasses are generally kept short by the coming and going of the Azmira pack, who have made this their headquarters. Among the edges of the clearing are a number of bush dens, where the pack sleeps.

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No New Posts Baruch River

Curving through the Howling Forest, connecting the Isstary Spring to the Shakuru Pond, the Baruch River is the main supply of fresh water for the Azmira pack. Its flow remains almost constant throughout the year, although it does swell slightly during the rain, allowing for rather predictable access to the surface of the water.

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No New Posts Shakuru Pond

A small, round pond at the edge of the Howling Forest, this is the place that the Azmira pack cools off or cleans up. Its waters are continually replenished from the Baruch River, and then continue down the Yegh River towards Kettle Lake. There are a number of fish in the pond, but as most of the Azmira have never learned how to fish, they live in relative safety.

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No New Posts Isstary Glade

Where the Isstary Spring bubbles up out of the water, there is a small glade in the forest. With the fresh supply of water year round, this area is filled with lush, green grass, and blooms with flowers throughout the spring and summer. The sunlight filters through the leaves of the surrounding trees, making this one of the calmest, most peaceful areas of the Azmira pack's territory.

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Board Description
Howling Forest
This forest is a large expanse of trees, growing thicker as you get closer and closer to the centre. The bubble bisects the forest as well, so around the edge of the bubble, there are piles of branches and leaves of the trees that were cut through when the bubble appeared. The forest is made up mostly of deciferous trees, although there are a small amount of pine trees tossed around.
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